LEGALITY OF PRODUCTS SOLD: ixizConcept does not guarantee the legality of any products we sell. Some parts sold by ixizConcept may void the warranty (if any) of the vehicle on which you are installing the parts. It is the customer's responsibility to check with local, state, federal laws, and manufacturers, as well as race sanctioning bodies before ordering any products from ixizConcept. Some parts we sell are for racing or off-road use only and are not legal at any time for public street use.

INSTALLATION OF PRODUCTS: ixizConcept strongly recommends that a trained professional install all parts. Improper installation of any part may void the warranty (if any) and possibly cause injury or death.

RIGHT OF SERVICE: ixizConcept reserves the right to refuse sales or service to anyone, at anytime, for any reason without explanation if we feel this is in the best interest on ixizConcept as a company and its customer base as a whole.